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ESG and Sustainable Investing strategies

Besides taking into account climate risks in managing clients’ portfolios, we are committed to opening up a world of sustainable investment opportunities for our clients through the development of innovative products.

Being an early mover in the sustainable investing market, our track record in ESG dates back to the launch of our first Socially Responsible Fund back in 2001. With our proprietary ESG database now covering more than 14,000 financial instruments, we are recognised by Morningstar as having ‘made strides forward in integrating ESG aspects within its investment process in recent years and has consolidated an already solid active ownership effort’ and received Morningstar ESG Commitment Level of Advanced1 for a third year running.

View our ESG and Sustainable Investing range

Our dedicated Responsible Investment team leads the development of new ESG, climate change and thematic products and solutions, and the delivery of thematic research contributing to thought leadership. They oversee the integration of ESG risks and opportunities across asset classes, as well as the firm’s voting policy and engagement.

PRI Assessment Report 2023

We have been awarded five stars - the best possible rating - for ‘Policy, Governance and Strategy’ and in most categories by asset class. These high ratings reflect the relevance and quality of our approach to sustainability as well as our efforts to integrate ESG considerations across our capabilities.

As a signatory to the UN PRI, HSBC Asset Management reports in the years mandated by the organization, with our most recent submission occurring in 2023.

PRI Assessment Report 2023

1. Out of 97 asset managers assessed by Morningstar, 25 earned a Morningstar ESG Commitment Level of Advanced in 2023.
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2. SSA standing for Sovereigns / Supranational / Agencies The score figures displayed in the document relate to the past and past scores should not be seen as an indication of future scores. Sources: UNPRI, HSBC Asset Management as of Dec 2023. For illustrative purposes only. PRI signatories are required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year, based on which an Assessment Report is issued. For more information, please read:

  • SI methodology

    Learn more about how we assess whether an instrument or issuer is sustainable under our proprietary investment framework.
  • Sustainable funds

    View the full list of sustainable funds that aim to help investors mitigate risks and capture arising opportunities in the transtitioning world.
  • Policies and disclosures

    Find out how our principles of responsible investment have been incorporated into our investment and stewardship approaches.

Article 8 SFDR : The product promotes environmental or social characteristics, or a combination of those characteristics, provided that the companies in which the investments are made follow good governance practices.

Article 9 SFDR : The product has a sustainability objective.

Risk Warning
The value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Where overseas investments are held the rate of currency exchange may also cause the value of such investments to fluctuate.